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Submissions open!

If you've got an art piece laying around, make sure to submit it to us while our submissions are still open!

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What are we looking for?

Veralit is currently accepting poetry, prose, short stories, articles, art, photography, music, short films and dance. 


We hope for our first issue to follow a certain theme regarding and circling around Egypt and its historical landmarks. We would love to see submissions focused on that area, but it is not a requirement. 

What are our conditions?

Veralit allows simultaneous submissions and for your art work to be published in multiple of other magazines. Our goal is not to win your art, but to help you spread it. That is why we do not require for you to only submit to our magazine or to remove your submission from consideration in our first issue if it were accepted another place else. However, we do urge for artists to inform us if they were published before, had the same piece they submitted accepted somewhere else or if they were first published into our magazine. We would also love for you to inform us if you created an art piece specifically for our magazine. This is going to be used for statistics when advertising and marketing our first issue once it is out, and not to disadvantage your submission. An artist can submit to multiple of our forms of art, but only once to every form. 


Extremely violent, profane, sexual, or hateful art pieces will be removed from consideration. Veralit cares and strives for diversity. If you are unsure about whether or not your submission contains any of these, message our social accounts and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible. 


How to submit?

When answering our submissions forum, please be clear and honest with your legal full name, age and nationality. Artists wishing to be published under a pen name should still provide their legal name and then answer the pen name question. Your information and data will not be shared with anyone. 


All artists are required to answer a few questions and provide a third-person short biography about themselves. A few ideas about what you can write about could be your field of art, your passions for the future, your hobbies, interesting facts about you and anything more. This third-person short biography will not only allow the editors to understand who you are, but it will also be used when publishing your art in our first issue to allow our audience to understand the person behind their work. 


Depending on what art work you will submit, please find the details required below. 



Poems should be given a title. The word count for poems is 700 words. 

Short stories should be given a title. The word count for short stories is 3000 words. 

Articles should be given a title. The word count is 1500 words. 


With these conditions in mind, please note that Veralit only accepts google and word documents. PDFs are not going to be considered. When submitting, please make sure that you've given permission for the editor to edit through the document, or your piece may be disqualified. Make sure to have your font set as Times New Roman, size 12 points and 1.15 spacing. Please edit through your work before sending it to us to proofread any spelling or grammatical errors which can disadvantage your submission if present. Multilingual submissions must be submitted with an accurate English translation. If you use an Arabic quote or word, that is allowed, but it should be in bold. 


To any writers wishing to submit to our Egypt and Egyptian historical landmark themes, here are a few examples by what we mean: setting, myths and legends or historical plot. All work submitted to us must be original and if you are writing a retelling, make sure to inform us of it with a brief description. 

Paintings and photographs

We accept original paintings and photographs only. Digital art, sketches and paintings should be sent in the best quality possible. When reviewing your artwork, we will take into consideration how we could use and design it into our issue, so make sure that the background of your sketches is white and neutral, and if needed, the background could easily be cutout. Paintings that we found is unfitting for our first issue will be taken into consideration for when we host future events or publish future issues. An artist should try their best to provide their portfolio, but if they do not have one, they are welcome to submit multiple projects of their artwork. We understand that not all young artists may have a portfolio ready, and we do not wish to discourage anyone if they do not have one. We will also be using this to check the eligibility of your artwork and your style. 


Photographers can send up to 1-4 pictures of the same photograph from different angles or perspectives. They can send a total of three different pictures. We urge photographers to send their pictures with as much high quality as they can. No photographs with inappropriate content will be evaluated. A photographer can either send us their portfolio or link us to any social media account they use to share their photographs. Edited pictures are accepted if they will provide a certain message or emotion out of the picture. We encourage our photographers to give us a brief description of what they were thinking when they captured the photo and what they hope others will see out of the picture they've sent. We also encourage photographers to send pictures relating to our theme as it will give them an advantage to being published in our first issue. In the case that photographs were not fitting for our first issue, they will be taken into consideration for our future issues and events. If a person is the main focus of your image, we hope you can credit them with their name if they wish or keep them anonymous. 

Music, short films and dance.

We accept original music, short films and dance videos only. No extremely violent, profane, sexual, or hateful language should be used in your videos. For short films, if there is a need for your character to curse, we would like for you to bleep it out. Short films should not be less than five minutes and should not exceed the fifteen minute mark. Two to four minutes of your entire film should be dedicated to the credits scene and introduction. If multiple actors are present in your film, their names must be present in the credits scene as well as the director's name. Short films must have a message to them. We appreciate if the quality of the video and audio are high. If the artist is capable, we also appreciate captions of the dialogue. Short films can be portrayed either in English or Arabic. If we are unable to publish your short film, it will be considered for future issues and events. You will be required to send a google or word document of your script.


Music can not exceed the three minute mark. Your music can include lyrics, but we will ask for you to send a google or word document of the lyrics within your music. You will be asked to give us a brief description of your piece and what it entails. If your music was not accepted for our first issue, it will be considered for future issues and events. If a singer was singing in your piece, please credit their name or keep them anonymous if they wish.


Dance videos should not exceed the three minute mark. The dancers should be standing in a clear room where they can be seen clearly. Dance partners will be required to send their submission together and not seperately. No hateful music should be used for your dance. Any inappropriate moves may be cut from your video. The dancer(s) will be required to give a brief description of what they are portraying through their dancing. 



If you are interested in submitting, please redirect yourself to our google forms.
We wish you luck!

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